Dear Pooja,
I am a middle aged woman. I regularly suffer from acidity. Digesting food easily is difficult for me. Even when I fast for the whole day, I suffer from acidity. This is why I have also been unable to gain any weight since a number of years. Although my appetite is normal, the acidity becomes a problem. What should I do?

Acidity is an ailment that we all have suffered from at one time or another. Do remember acidity is a sign our body is trying to give us. The most obvious signaling is because of large gaps between meals. Our gastric lining produces the acid as a means to aid digestion – as its enzymes only activate and function in an acidic medium. When the gaps are too long this acid starts corroding it’s own lining causing ulcers. One of the best ways to neutralize the acid produced is to give it the food, this way the lining of the stomach is always protected and belching, heart burn or acidity is kept well at bay. Fasting sadly is not helping this process unless you eat a fruit or some milk every few hours. One of the easiest ways to eliminate acidity is to eat a fruit within the first half to hour of rising – this helps break the long gap between dinner the night previous and breakfast. Avoid starting your day with caffeine – your must have cuppa of tea or hot coffee first thing in the morning only triggers the acid producing cells to work better and faster. Line the tummy with some food first – if not a fruit then a toast or khakra or a biscuit and let the tea follow 20 minutes later. Acidity may be a minor ailment but if left uncorrected can be the cause many bigger problems like frequent sore throat, nagging recurrent cough, migraines, dental cavities just to name the basic few.






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